Hello and Welcome
Helping mothers build their families one birth at a time!
My name is Brenda. I am an independent midwife working in Wexford and South East. I am a physiological physiological birth expert and specialise in helping mums with stress, anxiety and birth trauma.
I began teaching hypnobirthing classes in 2014 after identifying a need for more information and choice around birth. Since then I have been constantly updating my skills and knowledge with regular and ongoing CPD training.
I hold a dual diploma in Hypnotherapy and Mind-coaching and I am a yoga teacher with 400 hours of yoga training (which includes Vynassa and Yin, Pregnancy, Post Natal and Womb Yoga). I am also a hypnobirthing practitioner (The Mongan Method) and certified IAMS baby massage instructor. I am currently a somatic teacher in training with The Ingles Institute of Somatic Movement, India.
It is my great pleasure in life to be a midwife, to attend women during this deeply intimate and spiritual time and to witness the miracle of birth on a regular basis. I have been practicing in clinical areas of pregnancy and childbirth for 30 years now. I have a broad range of work experience including a community development project in Africa, a home-birth service in the UK, an army hospital in Saudi Arabia and a private clinic in France.
My work has brought me to a deep respect for nature and the power of the female body. Through years of watching birth become more medicalized I became convinced that there was another way. Thankfully neuroscience has led us to a deeper understanding of birth, the delicate cocktail of hormones which governs it and its relationship with the environment.
Birth is changing. The way we give birth matters because it has a direct impact on a mother's health and that of her child. As a society we have a duty of care to pregnant and new mothers to protect, honor and support them so that they may have the best possible outcome for themselves and their families.
In the words of the well known french obstetrician Michelle Odet.
"we must speak the language of science and the language of love"
Michelle Odent author of Chldbirth Without Fear
I am forever grateful to the women and their families who chose me to be part of their journey, whether for a brief time during a hypnotherapy session, a hypnobirthing course, in a yoga class or as their lead midwife throughout pregnancy, labour and birth.
To care for expectant mothers and their families is always a joy. The joy of helping them access the information they need to empower themselves, of watching them develop the courage and the certainly to use that information and move forward with clarity towards their goal, of supporting them through their choices when their dream seems like it might be slipping away, of advocating for them when the journey requires it-this my job as a midwife and bith couch and the best job in the world!
To all the wonderful mums out there whom it has been my pleasure to meet and work with - thank you!
And to mums everywhere - You do a great jobGet in touch with Brenda!
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Information on this site is not meant to provide a medical diagnosis. Contact Brenda to discuss your specific situation.
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