- Free and private Homebirth Service for healthy mums and babies
- Welcome
Self Employed Community Midwife Homebirth Sevice
Do you dream of having a homebirth?
Perhaps you have always known that you wanted your baby to be born at home and now you are looking for your midwife! Maybe you are intrigued by the idea of homebirth and admire other mums who do but tell yourself it is not for you. Perhaps you think it is too scary, risky, messy or "out there," that your pain threashold is not high enough or you are not strong enough! Maybe you are certain but your partner is not convinced. Maybe you simply did not know the service is available and you would like to know more about it.
Why not book a discovery call with me. I am available to answer all of your questions and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice.
I serve mothers in wexford and the South East and I have availability at present.
Why choose a homebirth?
Continuity of Care -individualised to you and your family's needs
- 1:1 care by a midwife qualified to international standard is the Gold Standard of care and known to protect mothers and babies from pregnancy complications and premature birth. I will care for you on your journey throughout your pregnancy and birth and will see you and your baby for up to 2 weeks post natally.
- Care centres around you and your family, My job is to listen, REALLY listen, to what you need, want and choose along your journey and to help you explore all of the options available. You will have all the time you need to express concerns, gather information and make decisions.
- I will help you with birth preferences and Birth Mapping so that you are prepared and confident in your choices.
- Your partner and any support persons of your choice will be involved as much as you wish.
- If you chose to have your children involved with visits I be more than happy to facilitate this-one of my favourite things to do!! If you would like your children to be present for your birth I will absolutely help you facilitate this (with contingency plans of course :)
- Animals love birth too and I am always happy to support your pets where possible
- As a yoga teacher and movement specialist I can offer you techniques to help with optimal positioning of baby, care of Diastasis Recti and help with PGP and back discomfort.
- As a hypnobirthing practitioner I will help you with breathwork, relaxation and comfort measures
- Should your birth journey take an unexpected pathway I would offer you birth support (not midwifery care) in hospital.
- Postnatally I will care for you and your baby at home providing emotional support, mum and baby checks, breastfeeding support, heal-prick test and all other cares.
- I will liaise with your hospital, GP and public health nurse so that your care is seamless and streamlined. I will discharge you back to community care when your care is complete.
July 2, 2021September 21, 2020September 21, 2020Have questions? Contact Brenda
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